I will show you The stuff I'm made of : Is this even a threat? When you get such a threat especially from a superior or someone who believes he has a lot to offer, especially when such a statement is aimed at making you feel threatened or afraid, relax. Such a statement should not make you fret. The speaker probably has complex issues and is struggling to prove his mettle. Wait for the 'stuff' to manifest...you may just wait forever. 😂 I will beat the hell out of you When he threatens to beat the hell out of you, be grateful instead. After all, who want to be in hell? If he beats the hell out of you, the only option you probably have is heaven! Yeah, that is the goal...heaven is the goal. He beats the hell out of you and you go to heaven! How does that sound? The world will gather for the two of us: When your spouse uses such a statement as a threat, smile and go away. The world will certainly gather for you both-ON YOUR WEDDING DAY probably. It will be just you and me
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